June 23, 2009

The 100 push-up challenge

As I was reading through the Australian coolrunning pages I came across a post that captured my attention: 100 push-ups.

I learnt to do push-ups only a few years ago, and was able to a set of 20 some time in late 2004/early 2005. Since then I've only been doing them haphazardly so now I can do only 8-10 before collapsing.

Inspired by a strength set that Ironguides coach Kristian Manietta, who helped me with a 2 1/2 week training program to prepare me for running a second marathon within five weeks from a previous one, I had been thinking about getting back into some kind push-up regiume.

I've had the dream to drop down and do a set of 50 one day. So naturally when I spotted a program that says it can get you ready for 100 push-ups I was intrigued.

I did my initial test this weekend, making it to eight push-ups (partly because our puppy Luka started eating my hair but I doubt I would have made it much beyond that number anyway). So yesterday I started on day 1 of this program.

I think it is a great challenge, and several girlfriends decided to (re)start it too. One friend does regular bootcamps, besides running. She's able to 25 to 30 without a problem - that already sounds pretty cool to me!

Alright, GI Jane arms here we come!

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